Monday, December 14, 2009

Blood Wedding Journal 3

In Oedipus the King and Blood Wedding, both authors explore the idea of deceit. In Blood Wedding it is the story of a hidden love, and in Oedipus is the story of an untrue childhood. In Blood Wedding, the bride keeps her secrets of love and passion for Leonardo hidden from the bridegroom. When she runs off with him, it is a shock to all, "They ran away! They ran away! She and Leonardo! On the horse!" (Lorca 76). The bride lures everyone into a false sense of understanding and made them think she was happy with him husband to be. Through this deceit, Lorca create another element of interest and excitement, through the running off with a man who is not your betrothed. Another element that keeps the readers interest is that none of the characters saw it coming. This adds to the deceit and makes the blow even worse.

In Oedipus, his forged childhood and his skewed knowledge of his past. Oedipus has no clue that he had ben lied to about his life, "Polybus was nothing to you, thats why, not in blood" (Sophocles 218). Sophocles uses his character Oedipus to highlight the deceit that he feels in present in everyones life. The idea of not knowing the truth is clear in the life of Oedipus, but it goes on to highlight the way the deciet is only a big deal when you learn of it, not knowing is almost as blissful as it not being true.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Blood Wedding Journal 2

In Blood Wedding, Lorca uses very interesting images in his writing to highlight the importance of understanding the good things in life. In the beginning of Blood Wedding there is very little information to set the opening scene, "The room is painted yellow" (5), which the author does on purpose. He simply sets the scene so keep the readers focused on what is happening in the scene, and not on the scene itself. Th simplistic setting highlights the good things in life, it does this by not masking the scene. The reader can see what is going on in the scene clearly and because of this clarity it is possible to see the simple things that sometimes become hidden with extra stuff.

The imagery the author uses in his play allows the reader to see the good things in the characters lives because he leaves the scenes simple and unhampered by extra things that get in the way of what is really there. Another place in the play where we see simple imagery is on page 29, "The bride's father enters-an elderly man with shinning hair" this stage direction is simple and bare, yet the reader gets a lot out of this. Shinning hair, this image creates a sense of happiness and peace through the association we have of shinning angels. This simplistic way of setting up the scene and putting images into the readers head allows them to see what is really there, not a bunch of extra fluff. Without all the extra stuff one can see the true and good things that are now obvious. Because of this, one can see the simple amazing things that sometime get overlooked because of the scene.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Blood Wedding Journal 1

Dear Diary,
I don't know about this wedding. This is a big step, a very big step. He is a good man, I love him very much, i really do. Don't get me wrong but I am having mixed thoughts about our wedding. I try not to think about it too much, I want to spend my last days as an unmarried woman without any cares. The wedding has been set for thursday next, that is very soon. I am nervous about this. Did I mention that i have doubts?
Also, I sometimes catch myself thinking of Leonardo, staring out the window, dreaming of the past and my old life. The way he could tame and ride the wild horses, controlling them with his legs and hands. He had the more tense and set face of anyone i knew. He was always serious. Oh, I feel so guilty for what happened between us, not a day goes by where I do not think of our last day together. But he is in my past and he is not to be remembered any longer. I now have a loving bridegroom, my soon to be husband. Next thursday, oh this is so soon. And on my birthday too, my 22nd birthday. How will this work out, what does my future hold, for I can scarcely predict. Next thursday our two families will be bound and I will become a wife.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wild Duck Journal 5

A good author does not tie up all loose ends at the end of their novel. Instead, they purposely leave the reader wondering what is going to happen, they want to keep us interested and thinking. In both Oedipus the King and Wild Duck the authors leave many questions unanswered. In Oedipus, the reader is left wondering what becomes of the newly blind man Oedipus the former king, what is the fate for his sisters/children? "Drive me out of Thebes in exile" (250). Even thought the reader has an idea of what is to happen, the author cleverly leaves out enough information to keep us guessing. A good author creates more questions in the readers mind than answers. Like in Oedipus the King, This is also the case in Wild Duck. The reader is left wondering what will become of Gina and Hjalmar after Hedvig's death. "In less than a year little Hedvig will be nothing more to him than a pretty theme for recitations"(216). Loose ends and unanswered questions are how authors usually end their books, as we can see this is the case here. Both Sophocles and Ibsen stay to the similar style that they write their plays with. The ambiguous and question filled books end just like they had written them, full of question and not very many answers.

WIld Duck Journal 4

I wanted to look at this play focusing on Hedvig, I chose to do this because I am intrigued by her and who she is as a person as well as a character. Hedvig is a fourteen year old girl, yet if the reader was not told this piece of information, I think this has something to do with the setting of Norway. " and then Daddy will be happy and things will be pleasant again. (193) When interacting with her father she seems to work very hard to make sure he is happy. The fourteen year old girl does all she does to make her dad happy, everything she ever does is only for another's happiness. The setting on Norway lends itself to the reason for this. In this day and age, the children especially the girls had to be submissive and reverent to their parents. They grew up in a society where respecting the elders is top priority, thus giving us the answer to why Hedvig acts this way. "I'll bring you dinner in, then" (180) This quote highlights the servitude Hedvig must give to her father, which the reader finds a little strange because of the way kids act today. Through the culture and societal norms in Norway at this time, The reader has a hard time relating and understanding the submissive fourteen year old girl Hedvig.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Wild Duck Journal 3

For this journal I am comparing the life of Ibsen and the similarities that he had with the character Gregers in the play, Wild Duck. Both Ibsen and his characters are from Norway. But the character most similar to Ibsen and his life story is Gregers Werle. One major thing the have in common is their family lives. Ibsen left home in 1843, and after this he did not speak to father for a long time. But he kept in touch with his mom and sister, writing them letters but never letters to his father. In Wild Duck, Gregers has just returned from 16 years of absence. "He hasn't been in town all the years I've served in this house". (119) The parallel structure between the two and their relationships also is the same for their relationships with their mothers. Ibsen continued his correspondence with his mother, through letters. In Wild Duck, we see that Gregers has a deeper connection with his mother. "She and you-you always stuck together" (132). These passages show the similarities between the author and the character, which hint that the author has incorporated some of him into the play, Wild Duck.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wild Duck Journal 2

we all have 5,
5 senses
but when one has gone
the other 4 are not good enough.

Why is four not equal four
when you started out with 5.
How can blindness
take away your smell,
your touch, your hearing
and your

Why is it that 4 is not 4,
when it used to be 5.
How come things lose value
when you can not see

How can seeing make you happy
if you never realized that
seeing is 1 of the 5
not the end all
be all

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wild Duck Journal 1

There is a gap between what we know as an audience in the play Oedipus and what we know in Wild Duck. In Oedipus the reader is more clued into what is going on then the characters on stage are through the dramatic irony. But in Wild Duck the reader feels distant and confused by the gap and ambiguity that the author creates in the lives of the characters past. In Oedipus the use of dramatic irony creates a want for the reader to read on, to see if the characters can discover what they already know. This technique draws the reader into the story. This is an interesting way to create interest, the reader does not finish the play to finally find out the ending, the answer, but rather to see the main characters figure out the answer. in contrast to the play Oedipus, Wild Duck is ambiguous and certain things are unclear to the reader. The author does not keep the reader as well informed, which keeps us at a distance. The gap between us and the characters creates a informal reading in which we can not get to know and understand them as well.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Oedipus Journal 4

The plot of Oedipus the King has a very purposeful plot, it is a suspenseful and drawn out method that keeps the readers attention while giving away the end result or the answer. The plot is not broken into parts, which is a understandable because the story takes place over few days and there is no real point where any action stops. The long one scene play adds to the suspense and the feeling of searching and waiting. The plot is somewhat confusing and unorganized, but this reflects the turmoil in the story of Oedipus's frantic search for the truth in combination with the prophecy. At the end of the play all has been revealed in the life of Oedipus but not so much for the other characters and others connected to him. This open ended end allows room for the readers interpretation, or even another play, which is written about Oedipus' daughter Antigone. The play only spans a day or so but it seems much longer than this, as the reader thinks it should. things in Thebes seem to move very fast, messengers and prophets coming at moments notice. The time frame is important, it reveals the power that the king has to manipulate and command the people of his kingdom showing the influence and importance that Kings had in the time of ancient Greece.

Oedipus Journal 3

The lifestyle of Ancient Greeks in very different to the lifestyle of people of today. The is especially noticeable when comparing the privacy factor of the two different worlds. In the greek culture the people were much more open, they shared their personal lives and did not distinguish so much between the private and public aspects of life. In Oedipus, the king is very open with his predicament and he shares his feelings, his findings and his life with the people of Thebes. "I'd never have come to this, my fathers murderer-never been branded: mother's husband, all men see me now" In this passage we can see the openness Oedipus has when he addresses the city he rules. His telling them breaks down the separation that people today have in their lives. Today there are clear lines between public and private affairs. This separates the two different lifestyles, giving the ancient Greek lifestyle a different kind of feel, a feel of open and a feel of a connected community that the people of today do not feel as strongly.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Oedipus Journal 2

Toward the fork, toward the crossroads. The journey has left me weary but I am soon to reach my destination. I have only a little farther to walk, only a little farther. I can see the crossroad now. I am so tired, i can not keep my head up so I let it hang down. I stare at the dirt path, at my sandaled feet stilling up the sanded road. Ahead in the haze I see a cart, i see a man I see it come closer and closer. I keep walking head hung low, then i hear voices grow louder and I look up just in time to throw myself out of harms way. I shake myself rid of the dirt and I turn to see who this inconsiderate person is. i strike the man, hard, as hard as possible. I was angry. His prod is thrust toward my head but never connects, i strike him once more. I repaid him for the close call he dealt me. On quick blow with my staff and he fell from his seat. I rolled him from the wagon headfirst and I killed him. I killed a man, I killed many men, I killed them all! I am not sorry, i am not. I have done the deed and that is it, no more thoughts shall be wasted on this, no more seconds lost. I have killed the strangers, I have killed them all.
-Oedipus April 23

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Oedipus Journal 1

Point of view/ the character of Oedipus:
This tragedy is told through the eyes of King Oedipus. Form the pages I have read for this journal, the whole scene is in The King's perspective. Because the point of view is throughout the king's eyes, who we learn in a very pompous and thinks very highly of himself, puts the reader at a disadvantage. This point of view puts the reader at a disadvantage because it limits the insight they have into the scene because they can only understand the story through Oedipus' eyes. there are very few characters in this first scene, but one feels that they learn very little about any of them, the one one we learn about is the king of Thebes. Through this point of view the reader sees the person of Oedipus, the arrogant and powerful man that he perceives himself to be. This passage focuses on the things he will do for Thebes, the great things he is going to do for the community, and how he will save his people. The point of view elevates the status and importance of the King, because the passage is focused on the king and his actions. This scene is not the most credible because of the King and his heightened view of himself, and also because with only his view we can not find others credible because we can not see into their thought and find what they are saying believable. The author makes the readers not like the King even thought from what he says he is amazing and a great guy. The writer does this through the attitude of Oedipus, because of it we feel a strong dislike to the arrogant ruler of Thebes, which leads us to nt listening or believing the things he says/thinks.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Poetry 2

Hush, just stop
There's nothing you can do or say, baby
I've had enough
I'm not your property

As from today, baby
You might think that
I won't make it on my own
But now I'm

Stronger than yesterday
Now it's nothing but my way
My loneliness ain't killing me no more
I am stronger

Than I ever thought
That I could be, baby
I used to go with the flow

Didn't really care 'bout me
You might think that
I can't take it but you're wrong
'Cause now I'm

Stronger than yesterday
Now it's nothing but my way
My loneliness ain't killing me no more
I am stronger

Here I go, on my own
I don't need nobody, better off alone
Here I go, on my own, now
I don't need nobody, not anybody

Now I am stronger than yesterday
Now it's nothing but my way
My loneliness ain't killing me no more
I am stronger
By Britney Spears

Tonight I Can Write the Saddest Lines, and Stronger by Britney Spears are both about the same thing, the end of a relationship. Both works use very simple images and words to get their points across. Pabla Neruda and Spears construct their works with a structure that is simple and easy to understand. Both authors come right about and say what they are thinking, that they are done with their relationships and they are moving on. This meaning is not hidden to the reader. They make it very clear to us what the work of expression means. "The last pain she makes me suffer and these the last verses that i write for her" by Neruda and "My loneliness ain't killing me no more, I am stronger", highlight the simple parallel structure in the works. This structure reveals their ability to get over the relationship.

Monday, November 2, 2009


This poem is about feeling between two people. The poem is about expression of feeling and communication. The poem is more specifically about the inability to express thoughts and the pain this brings. The speaker says that he is "Penned up between the sea and sadness". This quote expresses the speakers inability to express himself through the word "penned". We understand his trapped feeling because he compares his feelings to being in a cage. He struggles but can not get out. The use of the word sadness illuminates that the inability to express his emotions causes grief and sadness. The pain associated with in-expression shows us the negatives of not showing your feelings.

We can see that the speaker is a male and who he is talking about is a woman. We find clues to this hypothesis in the way the poem is written. the way the speaker talks, he talks with a dominance and a possessive, masculine authority." I have gone marking the atlas of your body with crosses of fire." in this quote we can make a guess this is a man, through the way this is said. He says this with authority and dominance. He references himself., this shows that he is the dominant, that he is the important one. We can tell that he is talking about a woman because of the comparisons to a doll, "Sad and gentle doll". He compares her in a lifeless controllable thing. He talks like she is under him, that she is less than he is.

This poem was written so that the author could finally say the words that he once did not know how to express. I think that the narrator was personally connected to something similar to this. He wanted to express his emotion in a poem. He writes, "I have reached the most awesome and coldest summit". This quote shows the reader that he is writing about his own life because he compares his triumph to something like a goal. He finally reached this long term goal of expression of emotion. He shows this by saying he had reached the most awesome summit. The coldest part of the quote illuminates that this is a true life experience thought the emotion this word evokes. We can see that this is real because of the emotions.

This poem was written using imagery, particularly religious imagery. "Sing, burn, flee, like a belfry at the hands of a madman". Through the image of this crazy man in the tower we imagine a person secluded in a tall tower. The image highlights the way that not being able to express your feelings cuts you off from others. The imagery suggests the outcome of not being able to show your feelings.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

1984 Journal #3

Orwell is able to make his dystopian vision of total submission to to authority believable through the characters in his novel. Our protagonist in the novel 1984 does not agree with the dystopian society and the rules that Big Brother places on him and the community. Throughout the novel he goes against the rules by having an intimate relationship, thinking tyrannical thoughts and disrespecting Big Brothers authority. But at the very end of the novel, the last sentence reads, "He loved Big Brother" (297). This quote shows that the dystopian ideals have been successfully instilled into the rebellious protagonists head. They conformed the rebel. The conquering of the protagonist shows the dystopians power and highlights the believability that a society could really work this way. Orwell creates the society in which everyone conforms and agrees with the society or is extinguished.
even though in the end of the novel, out hero protagonist loses his fight against Big Brother and the community, Orwell instills a hope in us throughout the fight of Winston. He fights hard in the book to detach from the society and become his own person the reader feels hopeful that he will succeed somehow and change the community. Though this does not happen, his effort gives us hope that one day it could happen.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

1984, Journal 2

The brunette girl that was once thought to be a spy by Winston, the main character but is now revealed as a secret lover of his. True love is not condoned in this dystopian society and they learn to meet in places and talk in secret. This brown haired young fair girl works in the ministry same as him in the fiction department. Her job is to create fiction in the community and to pass it off for truth. She was a quiet girl, which is why Winston originally thinks she is a spy for the thought police. She and Winston realize their desire for each other when Julia slips him a note expressing her feelings toward him. They become secret lovers where nothing is secret. Together they break the rules of Big Brothers community and they have a meaningful relationship. Together they express their feelings toward Big Brother and the society they live in. They share their ideals and their thought, the ones that are death if anyone finds out. Together they face sure death for having a meaningful relationship and thinking tyrannical thought about the community. The thought police finding them out is something the Julia and Winston risk though for the freedom of their relationship.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

1984, Journal 1

“In principle a Party member had no spare time and was never alone except in bed. It was assumed that when he was not eating, working, or sleeping he would be taking part in some kind of communal recreations; to do anything that suggested a taste for solitude, even go for a walk by yourself, was always slightly dangerous. There was a word for it in Newspeak: own life, it was called, meaning individualism and eccentricity” (Orwell 82)

In this passage of George Orwell’s novel 1984, the idea of a dystopian world is conveyed through the structure and routine of daily life. The government is very active in peoples lives, they control your personal lives, they expect and demand that you do as they say. They strongly encourage sameness in the community. They drill into the minds of their members the mottos and values of the town. The state stresses sameness. They do not want you to be different, to have your own opinions, to be your own person. The state watches you all the time. They are active is your personal lives as it says, “there was never any alone time except in bed”. The community encourage you to be active in their community and to do things to benefit the good of it. There are no real social classes, but there is mentioned quite often through out the first part of the novel “A Party member”. The society categorizes the community with parties and demands specific requirements and expectations they must reform to, or else face consequences.

This passage speaks out against individuality comparing it to eccentricity. By doing this we see that the society does not promote individual thinking or personal expression. The society controls all aspects of time, thought and work in someone’s life.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Stranger #7

Thesis: Camus uses contrast of the ambigious beliefs of meursaults in part one to his clearly expressed beliefs in part two to allow that reader to explore and create their own belief system without being swayed with Meursaults, and then use the newly explored beliefs to evaluate the character Meursault.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Strange #6

At the end of the book we get a more in depth and clear look into the ideas of Meursault. We better understand him when he expresses himself to us. when he tells us his beliefs we can relate to him easier because we feel that we know him. "I had lived my life one way and I could just as well lived it another"(Camus 121). From this statement we can conclude that he is the most important person in his life. Meursault thinks that he has lived how he wanted to. He knows that this outcome is directly related to his actions, but he feels indifferent about this.
Camus, on the other hand does not feel this way. We can tell this because of his addition of the Priest into the story. The Priest tries to get Meursault to convert to God and to see the errors of his beliefs. Camus could of easily said everything Meursault was feeling and thought in a monologue and epiphany's. But he decides to add in the Priest to show us that these are not the things we should believe.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Stranger #5

Camus creates a part one and a part two because he wants to make sure that we see the difference and the changes of Meursault's character in the second half of the book.
In oart two of The Stranger, we start to see small but noticable changes in Meursaults character and how he feels."[...] for the first time in years I had this stupid urge to cry, because I could feel how much all these people hated me." (Camus 89-90). Here he expresses his emotions. In part one, Meursault does not have as in depth feeling, he simply states what he thinks. "After the funeral, though, the case will be closed and everything will have a more official feel to it." even when he finds out his mother has passed he does not express his emotions. He is factual and orderly. Through the difference is his emotions we can see him becaome a more person like and a more dynamic character. Meursault becomes more human to us, we can relate to him and his hardships. Because of this we find it easier to feel bad for him because of his lack of emotions.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stranger #4 Journal

In part two to the stranger Meursault becomes more aware of his surroundings and his situations. "Afterwards my only thoughts were those of a prisoner."(77 Camus) He understand what is happening to him and accepts it in a different way than before. Meursault realizes that he has only one option and he reforms to fit the person he has to be because of his soundings.

Meursault does a lot of thinking that he had not had a chance to do before he was in prison. "I realized then that a man who had lived only one day could easily live for a hundred years in prison."(79 Camus) Meursault starts to become more pensive and thoughtful. He starts to become more satisfied with his life and grow up. We see this by his rational response to his predicament.

"Only the words "yesterday" and "tomorrow" still had any meaning for me." (80 Camus) Before part one Camus was detial oriented, he loved dates, and time. But now in prison all he cared about is yesterday and tomorrow. There is not more last week, or at 11 and 6. To him the days are just days and time has no meaning anymore. He changes in this way from a more serious adult.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Stranger Journal #3

Camus uses the motif of the the sun through out the book to show use the severity of your actions directly impacts your life. "But today, with the sun bearing down, making the whole landscape shimmer with heat, it was inhuman and oppressive."(Camus 15) Through out the book we see the sun mentioned when Meursault deals with a conflict or interacts with another person. Camas does this to show us that even though Meursault does not express himself he still has feelings inside of him.

Camus uses the motif of time to show us that Meursault is an orderly and judges things based on time. He takes notice of times, dates and places on almost every page."Twice a day, at eleven and six, the old man takes the dog out for a walk."(Camus 27) He notes small details and pays attention to others lives. He feels the need to be meticulious and precise, he evaluates things by measures of time.

Camus uses the motif of pleasure to highlight the childlike being of Meursault. "the sky was green; I felt good."(Camus 26) The simple things make him feel happy. They bring joy into his life, just like they would for a child. Children are notorious for seeing the smallest good in a sea of awful. We see Meursaults inner child when he recieves pleasure for the smallest thing like the color of the sky.

Stranger Journal #2

1. Everything done throughout your life should be for the glory of God.
God is our Creator, everything we do should be done to make him happy. We show our love for him by doing all things for him.
2. God takes an active part in every ones life, he cares about us all.
God made the world for us, he influences our lives through people and experiences.
3. Your mind is more important than your condition.
Your way of thinking is more important, you can have a mind set and a vision and be able to reach it no matter what obstacles you face.
4. Power of visualization is more affective than repetition.
When you believe and think through something, you get more effective outcomes than by just doing something.
5. World was created by god for us to live in.
The world is way bigger than any of us. The only thing big enough to create the universe is God.
6. Everyone has a predetermined fate.
You have the power of choice, you decide the smaller things, but in the long run God will always know where and what you are going to do. He knows everything before it is done.
7. Everything in the world has a purpose, everything is done on purpose.
No matter how small, everything is here for a reason. We are all connected in life.

The Stranger Journal #1

In Chapters 1 and 2, Meursault recounts his life in a very simplistic way. He does not waste breath on descriptive words. He tells it like it is. In the first chapter, Meursault goes to his mothers funeral. He goes thought the without emotion. The second chapter consists of Meursaults weekend adventures, his love with a past colleague. He spends the night with her and then sits on his poach all of Sunday.

Because Meursault is so detached and formal in his telling of his story I have a hard time relating to this story. He is so cold and distant that I do not feel anything for him, I do not make a personal relationship with him.

Camus creates this kind of antihero we know as Meursault to get this points across. Every author has a reason they write a book, and how they get the message across is up to them. Camus uses a plain, unemotional protagonist to make sure that his ideas are heard. He wants everyone to be able to get meaning out of his books. He does this through a character who simply tells us the answers.

In 1942 one of the most important wars was being fought by the allies and axis powers. World War Two was a big part of Algiers at the time of 1942. Algiers was the headquarters of the allied powers of North Africa.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Journal #8

Hurston uses setting to develop a theme of the power nature has over people. In Chapter 18 Janie and Tea cake experience a powerful hurricane. "The monstropolous beast had left his bed. The two hundred mile an hour wind had loosened its chains."(161). The hurricane forces janie and tea Cake out of their house to stay alive. Hurston gives nature the ability to make people comply with it. This personifies the nature, it gives it a power that people have. Because the nature has more power than the people, Hurston shows us the importance and power of nature. The chatioc scene of the hurricane helps the reader to see the destructive way that natire can uproot our lives and the damage it can do. Nature makes us react and this is just what Hurston wants us to understand.

*My computer/the blog was not working one signed the paper copy I brought you. This is on time.*

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Journal #7

Nanny and Janie had been butting heads ever since Janie was old enough to talk back. Janie never really liked her grandma, she never liked the life her Grandma wanted to give her or what she was trying to do for her. Janie wanted her own life, but she did not stick up for herself and ended up marrying a man that she did not love.

"De Lawd will provide fuh yuh Janie. he is goin' tuh lift de burden on muh soul. Yuh is goin' to marry Logan."
" No i ain't, I ain't gonna do nothin lak that. Yuh ain't got tuh tell me what tuh do. Ah'm a women, Ah is going tuh do it my way now. He look like a burned log in the fire. He ain't tuh one fo' me." Jaine replied.
The old broad sat up straight as a rod and put her foot down. She shook with anger from deep within.
"Yuh tryin' to break mah heart? I is only wantin' whats de best fuh yuh. Yuh ain't got no sense in dat head o yuhs." Nanny said.
"I ain't gonna do it, Ah'm a goin' tuh go out with whom ever i wanna Nanny, I is git the right tuh choosea fuh muhself."
"If yuh ain't gonna marry him yuh can jus' git and go outta mah house."

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Journal #6

"After a long time of passive happiness, she got up and opened the window and let Tea Cake leap forth and mount to the sky on a wind. That was the beginning of things."(107) -Imagery

"In the coolness of the afternoon the fiend form hell specially sent to lovers arrived at Janie's ear. Doubt."(108) -Conflict

Some of dese mornin's and it won't be long, you gointuh wake up callin' me and Ah'll be gone."(115) -Sound device, rhyme/tone.

Through out the book Tea Cake makes refrences to The Bible. "Ah'm de Apostle Paul tuh de Gentiles. Ah tells 'em and then agin Ah shows 'em." Hurston uses allusions to the Bible as a not so subtle hint to what kind of a person Tea Cake is. The Bible is a Holy, sacred and important book. Hurston compares him to Paul because Paul is a familiar well known character. Tea Cake being compared to Paul shows us his importance in the book, just as paul was important to the Bible. Being compared to someone in the Bible, gives him more of an elevated status, a more prominent position in Janies life.

Janie's hair has finally been released from her hair covers and Tea Cake is glad because he loves her hair. "Whut good do combin' mah hair do you? It's mah comfortable, not yourn." Janies hair is a continual motif throughout the entire book. Hurston uses her hair as a motif to signify the importance of self worth. Janie's hair has been a problem for her for most of her life. Her hair is important to her and embodies her life. Just as she was "owned" by men, so was her hair. Her hair is symbolic to her struggle to be her own person, to be free. When she lets her hair down, she breaks the bonds that kept her inslaved. Janies hair represents the person that had been trapped and now is free.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Journal #5

After making a mistake in the cutting of tobacco Janie speaks up for herself. She bring Joe down a peg by making fun of him for a change. "Then Joe Starks realized all the meanings and his vanity bled like a flood. Janie had robbed him of his illusion of irresistible maleness that all men cherish, which was terrible. The thing that Saul's daughter had done to David. But Janie had done worse, she had cast down his empty armor before men and they had laughed, would keep on laughing." (80-81) This quote is full of appealing words and clever tricks to help the reader relate to this passage. Hurston demonstrates her awareness and manipulation of language with the help of syntax, word choice, tone and sound devices.
Hurston leaves us with something to thing about at the end of each sentance, a small incomplete thought. Her gramatical style is important to this passage because is draws our attention to the choppy, cut up sentances that convey the horribleness and severity of what Janie has done to Joe.
Hurston uses words like bled, robbed, and empty to both demonstrate the tone of the passage and draw us into the book with her word choice. These words create an image of fighting and cruelty. Hurston uses these harsh words to make us see the passage from Joe's point of view, the victims view. Hurston uses these words to get us to side with Joe and make us feel bed for him. We see that she feels bad for him as well, that she has feeling for her characters just like we do. With just a few key words Hurston sets the tone for this passage.
In this passage Hurston uses words with harsh beginnings. The use of T's, V's and B's, create a harsh unwelcoming place. Adds to the horribleness of what janie is doing to Joe. This demonstrates the malice Janie speaks with and gives us a deeper insight to the contempt Janie hold in her heart for Joe.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Journal #4

Then Grace meditated on choice. Choice, the unknown monster with the gloved hands that made its home in the north. The one that resided in the trees like a hidden passage only known to the discoverers.Why does choice try to hide, for everone can always find his hiding place.He waits in the shadows with a view of everything. Crouches silently and deadly with his arrow strung in his bow. He waits for the alarm to sound.Waiting there before the day, the hour, the minute. She knew he was trying to lure someone down the wrong path at any moment. She was afraid and indecisive. Poor Trevor. He shouldn't have to face him alone. She sent his mom in to ask for a visitation, but Trevor rejected her proposal. Parents were okay for the unimportant decisions, but they didn't know a ounce about Trevor's dilemma. He'd be cool when he understood what he was facing. He was not going to make a mistake. That was his plan. But that was not what his parents told her, so she understood. If he did, the people were going to know, they started to watch him closely under a microscope. They who did not give a hoot watched shamelessly. They hid and watched. Waited, for the dirt to be trod on as he walked on.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Journal #3

"All we can do, if we want light after de settin' or befo' the risin', is tuh make some light ourselves." (45) -light as a symbol.

"Here he was just pouring honor all over her;building a high chair for her to sit in and overlook the world and she here pouting over it."(62)-alliteration

"Daisy is a walking drum tune. You can almost here it by looking at the way she walks."(67)-simile

Joe has just bought the first street light for a colored town and he is very proud to give a speech at the lighting of the light. "He made nature and nature made everything else."(65) Hurston uses the light as a symbol for the colored people and the town. The streetlight gives importance to the colored people of the town. The light is uses as a symbol of freedom that the black recently aquired. It gives power to the black people, a light that the world can see. Gives the people a "eternal" feeling through the ability to control the light, to master the light gives them power of their destiny.

The colored people talked alot about Janie and Joe, about all the things they had and why they were different. "A familiar strangeness."(48) These two words are such opposites that by using them in the same sentance we get more meaning out of the short juxtaposed sentance. This sentance creates a contrast bewteen the two words just as we see a contrast Janie and the townspeople. It gives us insight to the feelings of Janie. There is a contrast between her two husbands, but there is also the familiar aspect between the two. The juxaposition is the sentance foreshadows the downfall of Janie's marrige with Joe.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Journal #2

Can yuh not see chilluns tha' yuh is importan' tuh? Yuhs all gotta take a part in society. Yuh ain't no baby any mo', yuhs is adults. Yuh think yuh ain't got no say but yuh do. We ain't gonna baby yuh no mores. Yuh gots to do and go out in da whorld and make somethin outta yuhsself. You alls don't sees it, yuh still thinkin yuh is a small chillun.
I says go out in a duh whorld and make yuh owns future. Yuhs got tuh. Yuh can dream and sit all the day long but yuh best git out dere and make yuh self something. Yuhs got tuh.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Journal #1

The adult Janie is very different from child Janie. The adult Janie is a strong and independant person. This is very different form the person she was as a child. The circumstances of her life changed her from a dependant scared girl to a woman. Her childhood was very different from mosts. Raised by a grandmother with no parents in sight she learned to let things roll of her back and to carry on. She is the person she is today because of her past.
The narrator is a middle aged female. We can infer this about the narrator by the writing style and the use of specific words and phrases. She seems so knowledgeable about hardships and our cross to bear in life. She talks alot about the past, something ladies do more often then men. She also seems to understand the problems Janie is facing, she writes in a empthetic stlye. She writes in a way that makes us feel the way the characters, see what they see and feel what they feel by her common relatable word choice. The simple and easy to understand style of writing lets us put ourselves into the story.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First day of School

first day of school homework assignment...