Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Journal #3

"All we can do, if we want light after de settin' or befo' the risin', is tuh make some light ourselves." (45) -light as a symbol.

"Here he was just pouring honor all over her;building a high chair for her to sit in and overlook the world and she here pouting over it."(62)-alliteration

"Daisy is a walking drum tune. You can almost here it by looking at the way she walks."(67)-simile

Joe has just bought the first street light for a colored town and he is very proud to give a speech at the lighting of the light. "He made nature and nature made everything else."(65) Hurston uses the light as a symbol for the colored people and the town. The streetlight gives importance to the colored people of the town. The light is uses as a symbol of freedom that the black recently aquired. It gives power to the black people, a light that the world can see. Gives the people a "eternal" feeling through the ability to control the light, to master the light gives them power of their destiny.

The colored people talked alot about Janie and Joe, about all the things they had and why they were different. "A familiar strangeness."(48) These two words are such opposites that by using them in the same sentance we get more meaning out of the short juxtaposed sentance. This sentance creates a contrast bewteen the two words just as we see a contrast Janie and the townspeople. It gives us insight to the feelings of Janie. There is a contrast between her two husbands, but there is also the familiar aspect between the two. The juxaposition is the sentance foreshadows the downfall of Janie's marrige with Joe.

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