Monday, December 14, 2009

Blood Wedding Journal 3

In Oedipus the King and Blood Wedding, both authors explore the idea of deceit. In Blood Wedding it is the story of a hidden love, and in Oedipus is the story of an untrue childhood. In Blood Wedding, the bride keeps her secrets of love and passion for Leonardo hidden from the bridegroom. When she runs off with him, it is a shock to all, "They ran away! They ran away! She and Leonardo! On the horse!" (Lorca 76). The bride lures everyone into a false sense of understanding and made them think she was happy with him husband to be. Through this deceit, Lorca create another element of interest and excitement, through the running off with a man who is not your betrothed. Another element that keeps the readers interest is that none of the characters saw it coming. This adds to the deceit and makes the blow even worse.

In Oedipus, his forged childhood and his skewed knowledge of his past. Oedipus has no clue that he had ben lied to about his life, "Polybus was nothing to you, thats why, not in blood" (Sophocles 218). Sophocles uses his character Oedipus to highlight the deceit that he feels in present in everyones life. The idea of not knowing the truth is clear in the life of Oedipus, but it goes on to highlight the way the deciet is only a big deal when you learn of it, not knowing is almost as blissful as it not being true.

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