Thursday, September 24, 2009

Journal #8

Hurston uses setting to develop a theme of the power nature has over people. In Chapter 18 Janie and Tea cake experience a powerful hurricane. "The monstropolous beast had left his bed. The two hundred mile an hour wind had loosened its chains."(161). The hurricane forces janie and tea Cake out of their house to stay alive. Hurston gives nature the ability to make people comply with it. This personifies the nature, it gives it a power that people have. Because the nature has more power than the people, Hurston shows us the importance and power of nature. The chatioc scene of the hurricane helps the reader to see the destructive way that natire can uproot our lives and the damage it can do. Nature makes us react and this is just what Hurston wants us to understand.

*My computer/the blog was not working one signed the paper copy I brought you. This is on time.*

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