Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Stranger Journal #1

In Chapters 1 and 2, Meursault recounts his life in a very simplistic way. He does not waste breath on descriptive words. He tells it like it is. In the first chapter, Meursault goes to his mothers funeral. He goes thought the without emotion. The second chapter consists of Meursaults weekend adventures, his love with a past colleague. He spends the night with her and then sits on his poach all of Sunday.

Because Meursault is so detached and formal in his telling of his story I have a hard time relating to this story. He is so cold and distant that I do not feel anything for him, I do not make a personal relationship with him.

Camus creates this kind of antihero we know as Meursault to get this points across. Every author has a reason they write a book, and how they get the message across is up to them. Camus uses a plain, unemotional protagonist to make sure that his ideas are heard. He wants everyone to be able to get meaning out of his books. He does this through a character who simply tells us the answers.

In 1942 one of the most important wars was being fought by the allies and axis powers. World War Two was a big part of Algiers at the time of 1942. Algiers was the headquarters of the allied powers of North Africa.

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