Monday, November 30, 2009

Oedipus Journal 2

Toward the fork, toward the crossroads. The journey has left me weary but I am soon to reach my destination. I have only a little farther to walk, only a little farther. I can see the crossroad now. I am so tired, i can not keep my head up so I let it hang down. I stare at the dirt path, at my sandaled feet stilling up the sanded road. Ahead in the haze I see a cart, i see a man I see it come closer and closer. I keep walking head hung low, then i hear voices grow louder and I look up just in time to throw myself out of harms way. I shake myself rid of the dirt and I turn to see who this inconsiderate person is. i strike the man, hard, as hard as possible. I was angry. His prod is thrust toward my head but never connects, i strike him once more. I repaid him for the close call he dealt me. On quick blow with my staff and he fell from his seat. I rolled him from the wagon headfirst and I killed him. I killed a man, I killed many men, I killed them all! I am not sorry, i am not. I have done the deed and that is it, no more thoughts shall be wasted on this, no more seconds lost. I have killed the strangers, I have killed them all.
-Oedipus April 23

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